Slobodan Milosevic's grandson enters politics by the main door: He becomes member of SPS Board

Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Dacic said that the importance of the program of the socialist parties will be highlighted at the session of the Main Board

Photo: Tanjug/Jadranka Ilic

On Monday, the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) marked its 33rd anniversary with a ceremonial meeting of the Main Board in Belgrade, and the leader of the party, Ivica Dacic, said that he was proud of all the good they had done in the previous decades.

He said that he was proud of the cooperation with the SNS coalition and added that the party of which he is the leader fully supports the state leadership when it comes to the fight for the protection of national and state interests.

"We provide support in every segment - from Kosovo and Metohija, to the position regarding the Serb people i Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, then pressure exerted on our country, as well as in efforts to create the best possible economic and social conditions for people's lives... To create of one front that would advocate for such a thing - the protection of national and state interests and social justice. In this sense, we will continue our cooperation in the coming period," Dacic told journalists before the session.

Dacic stated that the importance of the program of socialist parties, as well as social democratic parties around the world, will be highlighted at the session of the Main Board, but also that upcoming political obligations, i.e. regular local and provincial elections that should be held in the spring of next year, will be discussed.

"Whether and when there will be parliamentary elections will be decided in the coming period," noted Dacic.

He also said that at Monday's session, he would propose that Marko Milosevic, the grandson of the first president of the SPS, Slobodan Milosevic, be elected as a member of the SPS Main Board, who, as Dacic said, expressed his desire to join the SPS and become politically active.

Marko Milosevic said that he will do his best to contribute to the work of the party, as well as to society.

"This has always been my wish. For me, this idea is eternal and I am glad that it exists in this continuity," said Milosevic.
