Vucic proposes to Government to suspend export of Serbian weapons and military equipment over next 30 days

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Also, in the decision, the president demands that weapons and military equipment, stored, produced or in the production phase - in economic entities in the territory of Serbia, should be made available to our armed forces and the Ministry of Defense as a matter of priority

Photo: Tanjug/Jadranka Ilic

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, based on the Law on the President of the Republic and the Law on the Serbian Army, and due to the complicating security situation in the country, made a decision to propose to the Government to pass the acts necessary to stop the export of weapons and military equipment over the period of the next 30 days, Novosti is reporting.

According what this newspaper has learned, after this deadline expires, the head of state, together with the Council for National Security, will decide whether to extend it.

Also, in the decision, the president demands that weapons and military equipment, stored, produced or in the production phase - in economic entities in the territory of Serbia, should be made available to our armed forces and the Ministry of Defense as a matter of priority.
