Assembly votes: Bratislav Gasic remains interior minister

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Deputies voted on the no confidence motion aimed at replacing Serbia's current Minister of the Interior

Photo: Tanjug/Jadranka Ilic

Bratislav Gasic remains Serbia's interior minister, the majority of Assembly members did not support a proposal to sack him.

37 deputies voted in favor of the proposal tabled by 61 deputies from the opposition, 148 deputies were against, while seven did not vote out of the total of 192 present in the hall.

"I concliude that the National Assembly did not pass the vote of no confidence in the member of the government, Minister of Internal Affairs Bratislav Gasic," said the President of the Serbian National Assembly Vladimir Orlic.

Orlic said that 61 members of the opposition had submitted a request for the vote to take place, and then invited them to take a look at the results.

"So much for that," said Orlic and told the deputies that the Assembly will resume work on Monday at 10 am.

The debate on the proposal to sack Gasic started on Thursday, June 15, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who attended that session, said that she would not support the dismissal of Minister Gasic, because he works in a serious and dedicated manner, and had no responsibility regarding the tragedies (mass shootings in May) that occured in Serbia.

The Assembly had previously finished the discussion on a REM report, as well as on the proposal for the formation of an inquest committee that should determine the facts and circumstances that led to the mass murders in Serbia.

After the end of the debate to sack another minister, Rade Basta, the deputies will vote on all the other items on the agenda.
