Serb List wants Serbian Government to designate all of Kurti's special units as terrorist

Vreme čitanja: oko 3 min.

"We deeply believe that this decision, in cooperation with international institutions and Western partners, would prevent further illegal activities of these formations"

Photo: ATA Images

Today, representatives of the Serb List sent a letter to the Government of the Republic of Serbia on behalf of the Serb people from Kosovo, in which they reminded of the terror that the Serb people are suffering at the hands of the regime of Albin Kurti.

We carry the letter in its entirety:

"We are addressing you on behalf of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, who for more than two years have been suffering the terror and repression at the hands of the anti-Serb regime of Albin Kurti, whose goal is to persecute everything that's Serb, violating all agreements which guaranteed the rights to the Serb people, and through institutional repression endangering survival and peace in this region.

Bearing in mind that institutional violence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is carried out by the regime of Albin Kurti through certain para-police, special and intelligence structures whose actions threaten peace, safety and security of our people, as well as peace in the entire Western Balkans, and that these structures have in previous period:

- tried to kill our fellow citizens on several occasions,

- carried out brutal abductions of our fellow citizens with the use of force in the middle of the day, baselessly, under the threat of firearms, in front of children, women and other citizens,

- beat dozens of our fellow citizens and even the minor children of Dara and Kristijan Radosavljevic,

- countless times, with the threat of rifles, armed to the teeth, occupied parts of settlements where our citizens live, with armored vehicles, prohibiting the movement of even children, sick people and the elderly,

- seized Serb-owned land without a legal basis, with the aim of militarizing the north of Kosovo and Metohija,

- built illegal bases contrary to the Brussels Agreement and even to their own acts that forbid the stationing of heavily armed special units made up exclusively of Albanians in completely Serb areas,

- countless times carried out repressive actions against innocent civilians, harassing even health workers, drivers of ambulances transporting seriously ill patients and medical supplies

- and carried out actions that are happen for those parts of the world where war operations are taking place, with the intention of causing fear and insecurity among citizens, i.e. terrorizing them, with the aim of making them leave the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,

We propose that you (Serbian Government), in accordance with your powers, make an appropriate decision as a matter of urgency to designate all the special units that Kurti illegally keeps in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the intelligence structures that conduct hybrid operations with the aim of destabilizing and raising tensions, and by faking (incidents) and subterfuge create an alibi for violent incursions and unjustified arrests, as well as other structures that act with the aim of persecuting the Serb people, as well as all associates of these structures that are very well known to the Serb security services, as terrorist organizations because they threaten the peace in these areas, with unforeseeable consequences for the future of the Western Balkans and all of Europe.

The basis for this decision is found in the listed activities that these structures have de facto carried out in the previous period, which meet, according to international principles and standards of the UN and other agencies around the world, the basic elements of the definition of terrorism, because these activities are contrary to the principles and goals of the UN, and include actions by which the use of illegal violence or the threat of illegal violence causes fear among citizens in a certain territory with the aim of achieving political or ideological goals.

"We deeply believe that this decision, in cooperation with international institutions and Western partners, would prevent further illegal activities of these formations and their associates that threaten the peace in these areas, and would create a legal basis for action of all state authorities against these organizations, and for bringing them to justice."
