Dacic: Constant escalation of the situation suits Kurti, peace suits us

Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Kurti seems to be having a bad a day or week unless he causes some new incident. I think we have reached the point from where there is nowhere to go, in the sense that the Serbs are forced to fight for their bare existence

Photo: Tanjug/Jadranka Ilic

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said today that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, is satisfied with the constant escalation of the situation, while Serbia wants peace and stability, because the survival of the Serb people is the most important thing.

Dacic told TV Pink that the Pristina authorities are doing everything in order to provoke reactions from the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija and cause them to clash with KFOR so that the international community would react harshly towards Serbia.

"Kurti seems to be having a bad a day or week unless he causes some new incident. I think we have reached the point from where there is nowhere to go, in the sense that the Serbs are forced to fight for their bare existence. This is not about political competition, political quarrels, will the Serbs now organize themselves politically or have a certain number of deputies or councilors in the institutions, it is about the physical survival, because people are being arrested, people are being shot at, it is about the violation of these basic human and civil rights," said Dacic.

Commenting on the recent arrest of three armed Kosovo policemen in the territory of central Serbia by members of the Serbian police, Dacic said that they had no right to be at that location and that what they did is a serious crime.

He added that as justification for entering the territory of central Serbia, they are now saying the three got there by accident, noting that although such a thing is possible, it was not the case here.

According to Dacic, even if Kurti's story is true, that they were 300 meters from the administrative line, they cannot be there, because that is not according to the Kumanovo Agreement and only KFOR units can patrol that area.

"I think that they now have a problem of explaining why these policemen were in the territory of central Serbia. It is obvious that Pristina is faced with a whole series of demands that Kurti does not want to fulfill at all, the constant escalation of the situation suits him, peace, stability, no incidents suit us, because the survival of our people is the most important to us," said Dacic.

He also stressed that this is why Vucic called on the Serbs to protest peacefully.

"The international community should exert pressure in order to deescalate, in the sense of withdrawing the (Albanian) mayors, police forces and releasing all the Serbs who have been arrested," Dacic said.
