We reveal what was found in the Mercedes from which Uros shot and killed 8 people: Car seized and investigated

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Uros has been put in custordy for up to 30 days

Photo: Nikola Andjic, Telegraf, MUP

Uros B. from the vicinity of Mladenovac late last Thursday committed a massacre in two villages the like of which is unprecedented for Serbia. He used an automatic rifle to shoot at people while driving his father's Mercedes, killing a total of 8 and wounding 14.

The villages of Malo Orasje and Dubona are grieving.

The shooter was arrested eight hours later, and during the questioning at the prosecutor's office, he confessed to the crime.

He is unofficially reported to have said that he wanted to "scare people because they have been making fun of him and his family in recent days." At the questioning, he said that he "saw about the crime at the school (the mass shooting the day before) on the news, but that was not what triggered him."

As Telegaraf.rs has learned, the police found the Mercedes which is suspected to have been used by Uros in the massacre in the village of Sepsin. The car was hidden about a kilometer from the main road.

"Three empty automatic rifle frames were found in it. A few hand-made bombs, plenty of ammunition and pistols. The car is owned by his father and has been sent for expert examination," said our source close to the investigation.

Bloody path

The suspect; Photo: MUP

Uros started the massacre in the village of Malo Orasje. There he killed Marko M. (18), Aleksandar M. (18), N. M. (15), Lazar M. (20) and Nemanja S. (21). They were celebrating the birth of Nemanja's niece.

After that, he got into the Mercedes and continued to sow death.

In the village of Dobona, he killed a policeman, Milan P., his sister Kristina P. and Dalibor T.

Then he fled. He got rid of the rifle and the car. Unofficially, he took a car from a taxi driver and escaped to his uncle's in a village near Kragujevac.

Reportedly, he said that he acquired the skill of shooting by practicing outdoors.

The motive for the shooting, according to him, was that people called him derogatory names and often gossiped about him and his family.
