Wahhabi arrested in Belgrade after posts about "taking justice into one's own hands" and "power in shooting"

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Alibasic was arrested after his messages posted on Facebook during the previous days

Photo collage: Mateja Beljan

Armin Alibasic, an extreme follower of Wahhabism from Novi Pazar, southwestern Serbia, was arrested this morning at 10:00 in a coordinated action by the BIA agenvy and the MUP (Interior Ministry) on suspicion of terrorism.

Alibasic was arrested after his messages posted on Facebook during the previous days. In one, he wrote that, "sometimes you need to take justice into your own hands."

In another, he said that "there truly is power in shooting," posting this along with a video of himself, using a firearm in a shooting range in the Belgrade area.

Alibasic moved to Belgrade in September 2022, and the home where he was staying in the Zvezdara municipality was searched this morning.
