Ex-minister and senior party official Zorana Mihajlovic leaves SNS

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During a recent farewell conference for the media, where Mihajlovic spoke about her work in the ministry, she said that certain things happened in the previous two years, which there will be time and space to discuss

Photo: Private archive

Former minister and high ranking SNS official Zorana Mihajlovic has left that party, reports Tanjug.

Mihajlovic sent a letter in which she informed the SNS leadership that she was leaving the party.

During a recent farewell conference for the media, where Mihajlovic spoke about her work in the ministry, she said that certain things happened in the previous two years, which the.

A few months later, while appearing on Pink TV, SNS leader and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Zorana Mihajlovic wants to create her own party.

She spent 13 years in the SNS.
