First statement of father whom his wife Jelena accuses of kidnapping her son and taking him to Switzerland

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His wife is accusing him of kidnapping her child

Photo: Instagram, Nikola Tomic, Shutterstock

Masan Lubarda, the father whom his wife, who is divorcing him, accuses of taking her son to Switzerland has spoken for in his first statement to the media.

Not even a day after the outcry over the news that he took the child to Switzerland, Lubarda tells Telegraf that their son is doing better than ever.

"We are in Switzerland where we live. The child is doing better than ever," he told our portal.

We have learned he is constantly in touch with his lawyer.

Jelena Abramovic (32) from Belgrade is the mother of the boy, who is two and a half years old, and who, as she claims, has been kidnapped.

The toddler was taken across the border by Jelena's husband, whom she has been divorcing since January 6.

The head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, said this morning that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will help Jelena Abramovic, the mother whose child was taken by the father to Switzerland without her consent.

We will help as a Ministry within the framework of consular activities, Dacic told Prva TV.

He stressed that the Abramovic case is unfortunately not an isolated one.

"The mother has the passport, and the father has taken the child... Together with the police and the Ministry of Justice, we must see what needs to be done," Dacic said, reports Tanjug.
