Ripanj killer has evidence of the girl's murder on his face that he cannot erase: It reveals how she died

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At one point he offered N.P. to drive her to the store to buy batteries. He raped and killed her only two kilometers from the house

Photo: Nikola Andjic, Facebook, Telegraf

The body of the murdered girl N.P. (16) from Ripanj has been sent for an autopsy, and according to the first results, Stojan Ilic (38) stabbed her in the stomach and neck with a knife.

Cuts were noticed on the hands of the unfortunate girl, which testify that she fought the killer until her last breath. After murdering the girl, Ilic stabbed her mother S.P. (34), grandmother M.P. (56) and uncle N.P. (30).

He then ran away and threatened to commit suicide, but eventually surrendered to the police.

He allegedly has scratches all over his face and hands, and it is suspected that these injuries were caused by the girl who was defending herself.

Foto: Nikola Anđić

Stojan Ilic will most likely be brought before the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office tomorrow, and if put on trial and found guilty, faces life in prison.

As we reported yesterday, the suspect was having coffee with his neighbors yesterday. At one point he offered N.P. to drive her to the store to buy batteries.

He raped and killed her only two kilometers from the house. Her body was found in the bushes near the Belgrade-Nis railway.

After committing this crime, he returned and also stabbed the victim's loved ones.

The exact motive of the crime is unknown. It is suspected that he thought N.P.'s family had "cast black magic" on him.
