Kosovo Serb arrested at Jarinje released

Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

As his wife said this morning, Miljan was most likely mixed up with another person with a similar name and last name against whom there is a warrant in force

Photo: ATA Images

Miljan Jovanovic (44), a former member of the Kosovo police who was arrested last night at Jarinje, has been released and is on his way home, his wife told Novosti.

Namely, Miljan was arrested at the Jarinje administrative crossing in the presence of his wife and two children for allegedly participating in criminal activities and accepting bribes.

As his wife said this morning, Miljan was most likely mixed up with another person with a similar name and last name against whom there is a warrant in force.

"I knew it was a mistake. My husband called me to say he was on his way home and said that he would tell me everything when he arrives," Miljan's wife told Novosti.
