This is Kristijan who died near Klek: He crashed his car into a truck, then ended up in a canal

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Kristijan's friends are saying goodbye to him on social sites and expressing their condolences to the family

Photo: Private archive

A young man, Kristijan S. from Torak, Zirisi municipality, who had a traffic accident two days ago, died the same evening in the Zrenjanin hospital.

As has learned, Kristijan's family is well-known in that part of Banat and is considered to be wealthy.

Kristijan's friends are saying goodbye to him on social sites and expressing their condolences to the family.

The scene of the crash; Photo:

Kristijan hit a truck while driving his BMW in Klek, near Zrenjanin. Due to the force of the impact, the car was completely crushed and overturned into a canal by the side of the road.

According to eyewitnesses, the car was moving at a huge speed before the crash. The investigation will determine the exact cause of the accident.
