"We knew the sniper was for me": Vucic reacts to Lalic's testimony during Veljko Belivuk's trial

"This is the first time we have heard it publicly, but we knew about the involvement of individuals from different regional services," Vucic said in response to questions from journalists in Sofia

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

President Aleksandar Vucic said today, commenting on the testimony of an accused associate in the Belivuk case, Srdjan Lalic, that the prosecution and the services will deal with his statement regarding the plans to overthrow the government in Serbia and the involvement of people from the Serbian services, as well as from the Montenegrin ANB.

Lalic stated at the trial that Veljko Belivuk and Marko Miljkovic, as well as Radoje Zvicer and people from the security services, primarily from the Montenegrin ANB service, planned to overthrow the government in Serbia, above all in order to kill President Aleksandar Vucic, who, he said, was the main target.

"This is the first time we have heard it publicly, but we knew about the involvement of individuals from different regional services," Vucic said in response to questions from journalists in Sofia.

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He recalled that Lalic, as an accused cooperating witness, must not lie for his own sake.

"He must not lie, people should know that. He's an accused associate. That is the only reason. Everyone else can lie, and he is the only one who cannot.

If he lies, he loses the possibility of cooperating and the deal he reached with the prosecution, and he reached an agreement to serve 18 years, otherwise it would be 45, 50, maybe even 60.

Therefore, he is saving himself by telling the truth, and the other thing is that it demolishes all the lies and all the untruths that some have uttered in the past years," said Vucic.

He added that it shows what kind of campaign and criminalization of the government was being carried out all the time and how many untruths there have been told.

"But as far as I'm concerned, I knew even on the day when it was being prepared, I knew that the sniper was for me. It wasn't a secret, and the competent services did their job, unlike those who didn't do it in 2003," said Vucic.
