Petar Petkovic comments on latest events in Kosovo and Metohija

Kurti may have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell every day in the media from those countries that, ignoring international law, recognized secession of a part of the territory of Serbia, but, apart from this pleasing Kurti's ego, it in no way affects the fact that Kosovo and Metohija is a part of Serbia, under temporary international administration

Photo: Milena Djordjevic

Petar Petkovic, the head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, issued a statement today regarding the situation there.

"The only thing that determines Kosovo and Metohija in the sense of its status is international law, and the fact that Albin Kurti is persistently trying to present NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), or the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and Metohija, as an irrevocable and binding fact, confirms that both he and his politically like-minded people are displaced from reality and believe that the might is right and stronger than the force of law.

Kosovo and Metohija, in the international legal sense, has nothing to do with Kurti's understanding of reality or the wishes of the separatists in Pristina, because neither the United Nations nor most countries in the world recognize that territory as a state, but as an autonomous province in the Republic of Serbia.

Kurti may have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell every day in the media from those countries that, ignoring international law, recognized secession of a part of the territory of Serbia, but, apart from this pleasing Kurti's ego, it in no way affects the fact that Kosovo and Metohija is a part of Serbia, under temporary international administration.

Therefore, both Serbia and its President Aleksandar Vucic, unlike Kurti, do not base their stance towards this key state and national issue on fantasy, but on solid and irrefutable international legal facts.

International law exists so that petty thugs like Albin Kurti would not be able to start fires as they please and impose their will by force - but Kurti, having lost touch with reality and thinking that he is at the very least someone who matters a lot, is persistently refusing to understand that."
