Minister of defense calls on KFOR to prevent terror against Serbs

According to the Guardian, Kurti has stated that his "worry" is that the removal of the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija "cannot exclude casualties"

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Defense Minister Milos Vucevic called on KFOR today to prevent violence and terror against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and to respond urgently to the dangerous threats made by the prime minister of Pristina's provisional institutions, Albin Kurti.

Vucevic stressed that Kurti "does not respect either human rights or established European values."

"Serbia must not and will not allow a new '(Operation) Storm' or a new pogrom like that in March 2004 (in Kosovo), because Serbia is a part of the civilized world, a factor of peace and stability," Vucevic said in a written statement.

According to the Guardian, Kurti has stated that his "worry" is that the removal of the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija "cannot exclude casualties."
