They want UN resolutions to be respected, except when it's about Kosovo: Brnabic's sharp response

"There wouldn't be tensions that needed to be reduced if Kurti respected agreements and didn't breach them unilaterally"

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

In the last Foreign Ministers' Communique of G7 countries (May 14, 2022), in addressing each and every problem or crisis in the world (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc.) they've asked for a strict implementation of the respective UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR), Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic recalled on Twitter over the weekend.

Now, surprisingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany is explicitly saying that UNSCR 1244 - which stipulates that Serbia has the right to ask for the return of certain number of its security forces to Kosovo* - should be ignored, because it is "unacceptable," she continued.

"In terms of international law and stability, based on which criteria do you decide which UNSCR must be respected, and which must be ignored," the prime minister asked.

"E.g., in case of Libya, UNSCR 2571 must be respected, but in case of Serbia, UNSCR 1244 must be ignored? Stunning level of absurdity. What Serbs in Kosovo* long for, is peace and stability," Brnabic continued, and concluded:

"We, also, wouldn't mind seeing some respect for international law, UN Charter, UNSCR... One last thing: there wouldn't be tensions that needed to be reduced if Kurti respected agreements and didn't breach them unilaterally."

Video: The Council of National Security of Serbia meets
