Chinese citizen accused of brutally assaulting his daughter on Belgrade tennis courts remanded in custody

W.L. will be held in detention for 30 days on suspicion of committing acts of violence against his daughter

Chinese citizen W.L., who is suspected of beating his daughter on the tennis courts of Red Star (Crvena Zvezda) club in Belgrade, has been remanded in custody for 30 days, Telegraf has learned.

He ended up behind bars after this proposal was made by the First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, and approved by the First Basic Court.

He was questioned yesterday before the First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade on suspicion of brutally beating his daughter (14) on the Red Star tennis club courts in the Serbian capital.

Presenting his defense in the presence of an ex officio defense attorney, the suspect admitted that he had ssaulted the girl. As a defense, he said that his daughter refused to continue a training session on the day and that is why he wanted to get her back to work.

All this while, W.B. was saying that it was not his intention to hurt her and that it is "a tradition in China to respect hierarchy" and that he believes that he did the right thing because that type of behavior is, according to him, allowed in China.

After the hearing, the acting deputy suggested to the court that the suspect be put into custody as a flight risk, as well as because the public was disturbed by the event, and considering the manner of execution of the crime he is charged with, as well as the prescribed punishment.

If found guilty of the crime he is suspected of committing, W.B. faces from 2 to 10 years in jail in Serbia.
