A new panoramic wheel is Mt. Zlatibor's latest attraction: It offers incredible views from 35 meters up

This tourist attraction is unique in the entire former Yugoslavia and greatly contributes to the rich tourist offer of Mt. Zlatibor

Photo: Rina

In addition to the numerous natural beauties that adorn Zlatibor, this mountain beauty is a favorite among visitors precisely because of the many tourist activities and contents, and the newest and so far the most impressive is the Panoramic Wheel. It is 35 meters tall and consists of 24 cabins that offer fantastic views.

"During the summer season, which ended in late August, we had a large number of visitors who wanted to take a ride and see Zlatibor from a different perspective. We are satisfied with the number of guests, especially on weekends, tourists come from all over Bosnia, Montenegro, Belgrade, Novi Sad. Sometime after the New Year, we will have six or seven new activities within the park," Zeljko Nikolic, who responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Panoramic Wheel, told RINA.

This tourist attraction is unique in the entire former Yugoslavia and greatly contributes to the rich tourist offer of Mt. Zlatibor, which broke all records this season as well when it comes to the number of visitors.

"The panoramic wheel truly attracts a large number of our tourists, together with other contents that we have, it adds up to a tourist product which, judging by the number of guests, judging by the results we have, is very good. In nine months of this year, Zlatibor recorded a growth of over 6 percent compared to the same period in 2021, which is certainly a great success in these conditions, and about 30 percent of all tourists come from abroad," said Jovan Pavlovic from the Tourism Organization Cajetina.

Tourists from the country and from abroad visiting Zlatibor gladly go on a ride on this unique wheel, above all because of the views of all the natural beauties that this tourist destination offers.

"It looks really beautiful to me, it especially attracts attention at night when it shines, that's mostly why we came for a ride, to see the whole of Zlatibor. We've never tried this, now we came with our son, to see what it looks like from that height that they say offers a view of the whole mountain that is fantastic," said a tourist from Lazarevac.
