Their numbers are growing and winter can't touch them: Stink bug infestation in Srem, surprising expert advice

When people try catching them, the bugs can secrete a characteristic unpleasant odor in self-defense


In recent days, we have all been struggling with the infestation of stink bugs in our homes, gardens and balconies. It seems that there are more and more of them every year and that there is not a single "safe place" from them, writes

Although they are not aggressive and pose no danger whatsoever to humans, many people feel repulsed by them, and some even fear them. When people try catching them, the bugs can secrete a characteristic unpleasant odor in self-defense. Experts say that there is no effective protection against these insects.

This type of brown marmorated stink bug was registered in Serbia for the first time five years ago in Belgrade and Vrsac, and later spread throughout the country in urban areas, parks and later in farming land. Experts say that it has found favorable conditions in our country.

"It attracts special attention in urban areas when it is looking for a place to spend the winter, and these are usually any kind of brick buildings, sheds, while a special population also lives in parks. They are resistant to low temperatures," says Aleksandra Konjevic from the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad.

Professionals say that there is an increasing need for their destruction in urban areas, but note that citizens should not use chemicals on their own and add that there is no effective method of suppressing them.

"What is not recommended is that citizens suppress stink bugs using mechanical methods and they should by no means use chemicals without consulting an expert," adds Konjevic.

Stink bugs have no natural predators in Serbia, unlike in China, from where this insect arrived here with traffic.
