Average net salary in Serbia in July was 73,114 dinars
Medial net earnings in July amounted to 56,000 dinars
Photo: Shutterstock
The average monthly net salary in Serbia for July 2022 was 73,114 dinars, while the average gross salary was 100,937 dinars, the Statistical Office (RZS) announced.
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Compared to the same month last year, the average gross and net earnings for July were nominally higher by 13 percent, and in real terms by 0.2 percent.
Medial net earnings in July amounted to 56,000 dinars, which means that 50 percent of workers earned up to the specified amount.
In the period January-July 2022, gross and net wages in Serbia increased by 13.4 percent in nominal terms, i.e. by 3 percent in real terms, compared to the same period in 2021.
(Telegraf Biznis)