Ratko Mladic released from hospital and returned to prison

Ratko Mladic was hospitalized in the prison health facility of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) based in The Hague

Photo: Profimedia/Peter Dejong/AFP

General Ratko Mladic's health has slightly improved and he has been released from the hospital and returned to the prison cell in Scheveningen in the Netherlands, his son Darko Mladic has told Tanjug.

Ratko Mladic was hospitalized in the prison health facility of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) based in The Hague.

The former commander of the RS Army was sentenced to life imprisonment after he was charged with war crimes during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since his arrest in 2011, he has been in custody in Scheveningen.

Darko told Telegraf a few days ago that he plans to visit his father soon, and that his health had improved.

"It's a little better. He can speak. He managed to get up and take a few steps," Darko Mladic told Telegraf.rs.

Ratko Mladic has pneumonia, which was not caused by coronavirus. Namely, he had Covid in early August. Due to the deterioration of his health, he was first transferred from the detention cell in Scheveningen to a civilian hospital the week before last, where he stayed for several days, and then to the prison hospital.

In addition to pneumonia, Mladic also fluid in his lungs and his heart is weak.

Video: Ratko Mladic: I am alive and I will live as long as does our tribe, and this indictment has fallen through!
