He is the hero of drama in Stavros: Dejan guards important people in Serbia, and rescued a man in Greece

Dejan at was at no point in a dilemma about what to do and how to do it, and the only thought that guided him was to perform the task for which he is trained, which is to save lives

Photo: D.K.

A member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dejan Bogoslavljevic from Belgrade, was the hero of the day in the Greek resort of Stavros on Wednesday, where a real drama unfolded that almost cost an elderly man his life. Bogoslavljevic was the first to help the Greek, who most likely felt ill while swimming and started to drown. The Serbian pulled him out of the water and started performing CPR.

Thanks to his timely reaction and the professional help he received - doctor from the Nis Institute for Emergency Medicine Katarina Stosic and nurse Aleksandra Nikolic also participated - this unpleasant adventure ended well for the Greek man.

"On that day, I was in Stavros, a resort in Greece where I go on vacation with my family. Everything seemed normal, I was standing on the beach watching my nine-year-old daughter play in the sea because she is not an experienced swimmer. At one point, I saw a man in the water who was behaving strangely, only to soon start sinking. I called my wife to take care of the child, jumped into the water and swam to him. He showed no signs of life, with great effort I managed to pull him to the shore, because of his weight and the sharp stones at the bottom of the sea," Bogoslavljevic said.

"While getting out of the water, I was helped by my acquaintance Bora Radosavljevic from Belgrade. I noticed that the man was unconscious, blue in the face and not showing any signs of life. As in my job I very often attend first aid trainings, I realized that I had to immediately free the airways, so I placed him in the appropriate position and started resuscitation in order to restore the respiratory function. After starting resuscitation and the first signs of a stable condition, two women who I later found out were medical workers from Nis came to help me. Together we managed to stabilize the man and hand him over to the emergency services, which soon arrived," Bogoslavljevic described his feat.

He stressed that he at was at no point in a dilemma about what to do and how to do it, and the only thought that guided him was to perform the task for which he is trained, which is to save lives.

"Given that I perform specific tasks that directly relate to protecting the lives of top foreign officials who are visiting the Republic of Serbia, I am trained for this type of response. I did not expect that this event would receive so much media attention, I believe that this is not only my merit, but of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs, especially the unit where I perform my duties. On this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude to the command of the unit providing security of persons and facilities and to the heads of the department who invest a lot of effort to provide all of us with the necessary training and conditions for acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the most complex jobs and tasks in the MUP. We can use this knowledge and skills outside of work to help someone and even in the most complex situations save someone's life," concluded Bogoslavljevic.

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