Drama on bus traveling from Serbia to Croatia: Passenger sets woman's hair on fire, arrested in dead of night

The Karlovac police confirmed for Telegraf.rs that the passenger who injured the woman has been taken into custody

Illustration: Shutterstock, Pixabay

A real drama was unfolding last tonight in Croatia, in the municipality of Krnjak, when a passenger on a bus traveling from Novi Sad to Vodice injured another passenger, a woman.

According to unofficial information, the man, who was visibly intoxicated, tried to light a cigarette while on the bus and set fire to the hair of a passenger sitting in front of him.

The woman suffered burns and other passengers immediately rushed to her aid, pouring water on her.

As confirmed for Telegraf.rs by the Karlovac police, a man (52) has been detained, while a 47-year-old woman has been injured.
