People left without water, cattle was about to die due to huge drought: Serbian Army arrives on Pester Plateau

Since Saturday, members of the Serbian Army have been deployed in providing drinking water for the villagers on the Pester Plateau

A heatwave has caused huge problems with water supply on the Pester Plateau. Locals could not function normally, and the large cattle for which this area is known was abut to start dying. At the request of the president of the municipality of Sjenica, members of the Serbian Army have been deployed since Saturday in providing drinking water for the needs of the villagers on the Plateau.

For this purpose, the Serbian Army set up three tanker trucks, with a total capacity of 13,000 liters of water, thus creating conditions for safe supply for water the local population, and for the livestock.

During the weekend, members of the Serbian Army delivered water and refilled wells and tanks in the villages of Bioc, Budjevo, Dolici, Karajukica Bunari, Ostra and Rasno, and will remain on the ground as long as needed.

Previously, in order to provide water for livestock in the villages on the Pester Plateau, the Serbian Army deployed an engineering group that, as part of a civil-military cooperation project, this month carried out work on digging new and cleaning up existing watering troughs for the animals.

It has been announced that the Serbian Army provided help to this region many times in the past by building roads and water supply infrastructure, clearing snow drifts in winter, supplying water and providing health care to the inhabitants of the most remote villages.
