This mountain has the most waterfalls in Serbia and the highest peak on the border between two countries
Although Stara Mountain (Stara Planina) is most attractive to visitors when it snows, during the other three seasons as well enjoyment at this destination is guaranteed
Few people know that the Balkan Peninsula was named after the Balkan massif, a part of which that belongs to Serbia is called the Stara Mountain.
Namely, the word "Balkan" in translation means "mountain" hence the name of the mountain range, which is partly in our country and partly in Bulgaria.
The highest peak on the Stara Mountain in Serbia is also the highest mountain peak in our geographical area. Midzor is located at 2,169 meters above sea level, and below it springs the longest cascading waterfall in Serbia.
More than 40 waterfalls have been discovered at this destination so far, which, according to some estimates, does not even amount to a third of the water treasure hidden on this Serbian mountain beauty.
Among mountaineers, Stara Mountain is famous for its steep cliffs, but also for the richness of the flora and fauna. For biologists, it is a "treasure island" still insufficiently explored.
Although the snow on Stara Mountain lasts for five months a year, this destination is popular among tourists throughout the year, especially in late spring and summer.
Hiking on forest paths, cycling, picking medicinal herbs and visiting waterfalls are just some of the activities that can be enjoyed on the highest mountain in Serbia.
Photo: Ivan Strahinic