Djerlek: Tire punctured, we want to believe it's unrelated to possible Zukorlic poisoninig and Ljajic's crash

Ferhatovic was injured in a car accident at around 10:30 am on the Milos Veliki highway between Valjevo and Ub

Photo: Tanjug/Tanja Drobnjak

Secretary General of the Justice and Reconciliation Party (SPP) Edin Djerlek spoke for today regarding the traffic accident in which SPP MP and Vice President Jahja Ferhatovic was lightly injured, to say that, according to information at his disposal, a tire got punctured and the vehicle landed off the road.

"We want to believe that it has nothing to do with information about the possible poisoning of the late Mufti (Muamer Zukorlic) and the accident of (SDPS leader) Rasim Ljajic," said Djerlek.

Ferhatovic was injured in a car accident at around 10:30 am on the Milos Veliki highway between Valjevo and Ub.

Ferhatovic was traveling in the direction of Belgrade in a vehicle owned by the party, and he had a driver.

“My driver and I are doing well. Everything happened fast," Fehratovic told A1 in a telephone conversation. Ferhatovic and his driver suffered minor injuries, they are at the Emergency Center in Valjevo, where detailed examinations and tests are being performed. The airbag deployed and prevented serious injuries, writes
