Dacic: We can only talk about forming a government with Vucic and the SNS

Dacic says that the SNS and the SPS are strategic partners

Photo: Milena Djordjevic

President of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic said today that even before the elections, the SPS reached a firm agreement with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its leader Aleksandar Vucic on post-election cooperation, and that talks on forming a government can only be held with the SNS and Vucic.

"As I have said many times, even before the elections, the Socialist Party of Serbia reached a firm agreement with Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Progressive Party on cooperation after the elections, and we spoke clearly about that during the entire election campaign. We are strategic partners. In accordance with that, we can only hold talks about forming a government with Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Progressive Party," said Dacic.

Dacic added that this also refers to the city authorities in Belgrade, where, as he added, the SPS expects an invitation from Aleksandar Vucic and the SNS after the final results have been announced.

"We see no purpose or reason to discuss this with others, with Djilas's and Zelenovic's coalition. Unlike the right-wing parties that are now in the city assembly, our ten-year coalition with the SNS was never based on numbers, but on common goals in the interest of Serbia," Dacic stressed in a statement for Tanjug.
