More than a million tons of fodder to be produced at UBM plant: "Hungarians are 5th most important partner"

Szijjarto arrived in Belgrade this morning to attend the event

Photo: Tanjug/Strahinja Acimovic

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto are today in Adasevci attending the ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of a UBM Group's animal feed factory.

More than a million tons of fodder will be produced in the UBM plant each year.

"Our relationship is an example of successful cooperation, and now we are adding another bright spot to these successes. With the support of the Hungarian and Serbian governments, we are opening what is an investment of 3.1 billion Hungarian forints (24 million euros), which is how much as Hungary has invested in this plant. It will be a profitable business for both economies," said Szijjarto.

President Vucic also addressed those present, saying that it was important to say that Serbia must care for its citizens, "in the era of a general political hysteria."

"In the last 10 years, we have increased trade between Serbia and Hungary two and a half times. Now it is our 5th partner, and it used to be 11th or 12th. To speak candidly, Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, deserves the most credit for that, who invested a lot of energy and effort to build friendly relations," Vucic stressed.

"The Hungarians respect us, imagine, they are investing in Pozega today, when was that imaginable? And that is why you are welcome here in Sid," he added.

Vucic further stated that it is "good that, in these difficult times, we know that we will have a fodder factory, and that we will have enough food for both people and livestock, because that is linked."

Video: Vucic: We are opening factories even in times of instability in the world

(Telegraf Biznis)