Trsic is the most famous village in Serbia: Tourists flock to Vuk's home, and they have 3 good reasons
It seems like time has stopped in the village that the River Zeravija flows through
Seven kilometers from Loznica, on the road to Valjevo, is the village of Trsic, certainly the most famous and also one of the most visited villages in Serbia.
Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, Serbian language reformer author of the first dictionary of the Serbian language, was born here in 1787.
An ethnographic park with a memorial house, as well as objects of folk architecture are just a part of what tourists who visit Trsic can see when they come to this part of Serbia.
The ethno-park preserves the memory of Vuk and his work. In 1933, a memorial house was erected on the site of the family home of the reformer of our language. The two-part log cabin is partly above the basement and consists of a "house" and a room, and partly a sculpture, with a barrel and a corn basket. The "house" has a space with an open fireplace, dishes and furniture, while the room has a table, bed, bench, icons, gusle and a portrait of Vuk.
Three and a half decades ago, Trsic received its appearance of a cultural and historical monument. This, at the same time, influenced the return of a part of the population to the village and their turning to tourism.
What has been attracting visitors to Trsic for decades is not only the ethnographic park with the memorial house, but also authentic 19th century wooden huts in which they can sleep. Finally, there is beautiful nature - greenery on the slopes of Gucevo, as well as the small River Zeravija that flows through Trsic, clean air and delicious homemade food prepared according to ancient recipes from this area...
Photo: Ivan Strahinic