Identity of a man who fell from overpass in Zemun checked: He was first hit by a car, and then by a bus

After all the necessary checks have been performed, a report will be submitted to the prosecution


The Third Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has ordered checks to be performed and the identity of a pedestrian who fell from an overpass onto the highway near the Zmaj gas station in Zemun to be determined.

An autopsy has been ordered, as well as extraordinary technical inspection of the vehicles, the prosecutor's office announced, reports Tanjug.

According to eyewitnesses, after falling onto the highway, the victim was first hit by a car and then by a bus.

After all the necessary checks have been performed, a report will be submitted to the prosecution.

The accident happened on Thursday, shortly after 5:30 pm.

An investigation should determine how the man came to fall from the pedestrian overpass.
