Telegraf learns that Novak Djokovic has already left Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade

The world's best tennis player arrived in Serbia after almost two weeks of torture in Australia

Photo: Tanjug/AP

After almost two weeks of torture in Australia, where he fought using all legal means for the right to play and defend the title of the 9-time Australian Open champion, Novak Djokovic returned to Serbia in the wake of the scandalous decision of Australian politicians and a court that confirmed his deportation.

A record number of people followed Novak Djokovic's flight online, first from Melbourne to Dubai, and later from Dubai to Belgrade.

He landed in Belgrade at around 12:16, where several hundred fans were waiting for him, as well as a large number of media crews.

However, Novak remained consistent in his decision not to speak until the Australian Open is over, so, as we have learned, he left the airport and bypassed the cameras and the media.

Despite that, the fans were in a good mood and were chanting, "You are our champion, Novak!"
