Video of Dobanovci restaurant explosion: Man and woman break window, throw 3 bombs, blast follows

"The damage is great, we are left with nothing, we have a baby," the owner of the restaurant told

The video, which was submitted to, shows two men and a woman approaching the "BigMama" restaurant in Dobanovci, breaking glass, and then throwing the devices through the broken window, after which an explosion is heard.

The attackers then move away from the restaurant.

As has learned, no one was injured.

"Three cocktail bombs were thrown at our establishment, fortunately, at that moment no one was inside, so no one was injured. The damage is great, but what can we do, it will be repaired. I am at the police and I hope that they will find the perpetrators," says Ivana Skenderovic, the owner.

"We don't even know who could do that because we don't have disputes with anyone. We are locals, as far as I know, everyone here appreciates and respects us. The video shows a young woman and a man. The police have some suspects. They (the attackers) left us without a job and with a young baby, as well as our workers who feed their families. We invested everything in that business. We are left with nothing, with a baby," she adds.

The investigation is ongoing.
