Omicron has arrived in Serbia: It is known which country the traveler who tested positive came from

The new strain has previously been identified in Croatia, Montenegro and Romania

"Omicron arrived in Serbia"; Photo: Nikola Jovanovic

A new strain of coronavirus - Omicron has arrived in Serbia, Professor Dr. Tanja Jovanovic from the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade has confirmed for

As she told our portal, Omicron was found in one of the samples taken from passengers who arrived from Botswana.

Before Serbia, Omicron was registered in our neighborhood in Croatia, Montenegro and Romania.

The Omicron variant, that is, the coronavirus strain B.1.1.529, first appeared in South Africa. It has been confirmed in more than 100 countries so far.

The decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) marked it as "concerning" because it contains multiple mutations.

That decision immediately caused a wide shift in priorities in managing the pandemic at the global level.

The latest assessment by the UK Health Safety Agency says that the Omicron strain and the genetic changes found in it show that this variant could be more easily transmitted from person to person than the Delta strain.
