Is increased influx of migrants from Kabul expected in Serbia? So far, 30% came from Afghanistan

In Bujanovac, the migrant reception center is currently dormant, while in Presevo and Bosilegrad there are about 450 migrants, more than half of whom are Afghans

Photo: Customs Administration

Serbia is on the migrant route and hundreds of thousands of refugees have passed through our country already. There are currently about 4,000 migrants in reception and asylum centers. Reception centers are located in Bujanovac, Presevo and Bosilegrad, while a facility is being renovated in Vranje that will also become an asylum center.

The coordinator for the south in the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, Slobodan Savovic, says that they do not expect an increased influx of migrants due to the current situation in Kabul, RTS reports.

In Bujanovac, the migrant reception center is currently dormant, while in Presevo and Bosilegrad there are about 450 migrants, more than half of whom are Afghans.

"We are not expecting it yet, because we think it's too early. We are monitoring the situation on the ground and we will be ready for any possibility," says Savovic.

"Migrants need a couple of months to arrive to Serbia from Afghanistan, because those whose financial situation is more dire are coming to our country," claims Savovic.

He points out that so far, 30 percent of all migrants that have been in Serbia have come precisely from Afghanistan.

"That is a serious number considering that according to some estimates, a million and half migrants passed through Serbia," adds Savovic.

If there is a larger influx of migrants, the Commissariat is ready to receive them, he points out.
