Police operation to find killer of Sjenicke Novosti editor: Houses searched, weapons found in one

Houses and business premises belonging to relatives and friends of the suspect E.L. have been searched. The suspect has an international arrest warrant issued against him

Photo: Facebook/Edin H.

Police officers of the Intervention Unit and inspectors with the criminal police in Novi Pazar, in cooperation with agents of the Security Information Agency and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office from that city, launched a large-scale operation in the municipality of Sjenica early this morning with the aim of combating general crime.

As indeksonline.rs unofficially learned, searches have been carried out at over ten locations, and the police are looking for weapons and narcotics, as well as for persons connected with the recent murder of Edin Hamidovic, the editor of Sjenicke Novosti, that happened in the center of Sjenica.

Houses and business premises belonging to relatives and friends of the suspect E.L. have been searched. The Novi Pazar police issued an international arrest warrant against him on suspicion that he seriously wounded Hamidovic, who later died in a Kragujevac hospital as a result of the injuries.

R.DJ. (36) from Sjenica was recently arrested on suspicion that he helped the suspect E.L. illegally cross the border with Montenegro and leave Serbia.

During the operation that is still ongoing, the police found firearms and a larger amount of ammunition in one of the houses, as well as forged documents.
