Nis Clinical Center patient commits suicide: He jumped to his death from the third floor

The commission concluded that there were no omissions in the work during the treatment of this patient

Photo: Profimedia

Six days ago, a patient, N.M., jumped from the third floor of the new building of the University Clinical Center (UKC) in Nis and committed suicide, a spokeswoman for this institution confirmed for JuGmedia.

"This is about a patient who was treated in the special psychiatric hospital in Toponica, from where he was transferred to the UKC Nis after an injury sustained during a previous suicide attempt," said a statement.

The accident happened six days ago.

They also add that a commission for professional supervision was formed at the Clinical Center, which, based on established facts and statements made by members of the on duty team, concluded that there were no omissions in the work during the treatment of this patient, as well as during the accident itself.
