Kilo of raspberries costs as much as kilo of meat: Buyers are "fighting" over our red gold

The ministry will help those who want to invest in their raspberry orchards with subsidies

The raspberry harvest is heating up, and "red gold" farmers are already rubbing their hands with satisfaction. Nobody expected this price, because a kilogram is sold for 400 dinars, which is s historic maximum.

Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic visited the Ivanjica area raspberry farms.

"We knew that the price would be high this year, but we did not hope for this either. We expected a figure of 270 to 320 dinars; 400 dinars per kilogram is a surprise for us as well, but it's good," said Nedimovic.

The great demand for the Serbian red gold was conditioned by the poor yield by the main competitors, i.e. Poland and Chile. Nedimovic appealed on raspberry farmers to use this good year and income in order to invest in production.

"The year is good, but the question is what the next will be like. That is why it is very important to invest in anti-hail nets, protection systems, but also to re-plant, because that way the yield will be much higheer. In the village of Prilike, I met a farmer who had about 30 ares of old and right next to it 30 ares of new raspberry plants, and the income on these others was as much as three times higher. Technology must be invested in in order for the yield to be guaranteed," the minister pointed out and added:

"There is great demand for raspberries at the moment, and it is in short supply and that is why it is very important that we use this opportunity. The Ministry will also help those who want to invest in their orchards through subsidies," said Nedimovic.

After having problems finding workers, farmers at the foot of the Mucanj mountain near Ivanjica are now in their orchards since the early morning hours. Whole families often work to harvest the fruit, but nothing is too hard, because now they can charge for their work.

"We have lived to see raspberries cost as much as a kilo of meat. Finally, the time has come for the work of us farmers to be appreciated. We know that there is great demand for our raspberries, even the Poles have been looking for our red gold in the previous months because their yield has failed. Cold storage facilities now call us and ask for the fruit, and before it was the other way around. The crop is good, but we hope for some rain soon so that the fruit does not dry up," says Aco Djokic from the village of Brezova.

(Telegraf Biznis/Rina)