Djerlek: 4th Covid wave could come before fall, it would be good to introduce mandatory vaccination

As he says, otherwise, people will not get vaccinated

Photo: Tanjug/Nikola Andjic

Secretary General in the Ministry of Health Mirsad Djerlek says that the fourth wave of coronavirus could come to Serbia even before the fall. He believes that citizens of Serbia have "excessively relaxed" and that the majority believes that coronavirus is the past, while it is still here.

"There has been a slowdown in vaccination, counting yesterday we administered 2,730,000 first doses of the vaccines and 2,590,000 second doses, and that is not enough to relax, because with that number of vaccinated people we cannot expect a calm fall," he told TV Pink.

According to him, coronavirus can only be defeated by vaccination.

"It's important that vaccines are safe and I don't understand what people are waiting for. People will find themselves in a serious situation, and it will be too late by then," said Djerlek and added that 99% of those hospitalized in Serbia have not been vaccinated.

Asked whether mandatory vaccination should be introduced, Djerlek is "sure that it would be good" because otherwise people will not get vaccinated.
