Father who battered his son in Doljevac school yard arrested: Child granted restraining order

He will be detained for up to 48 hours, and then brought before the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, which will decide whether it is necessary to keep him in custody

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B.L., 49, a father who brutally kicked his son during a graduation party in an elementary school yard in Doljevac has been arrested, the Telegraf portal has learned.

He was arrested on charges of domestic violence.

At the same time, measures envisaged in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence have been ordered against him - removal from the family home and a ban on approaching the victim.

He will be detained for up to 48 hours, and then brought before the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, which will decide whether it is necessary to keep him in custody.

Dragan Gejo, the director of the School Board in Nis, confirmed for Telegraf that the incident has been reported to them.

He said that the case was then reported to the police, while a safety team was immediately put together to work with the students.

The Center for Social Welfare and the relevant ministry have bee informed.

The incident happened in the school playground, and the victim is a seventh grader.

His father pulled him out of a group of elementary school graduates who organized their own celebration to mark the end of the school year, knocked him down and started beating him mercilessly in front of other children.

Video: Kindergarten violence: Father slaps his sons friend, the boy falls to the floor
