Digital green certificate will soon feature a new item: Who can get it and where will it be used?
Not only vaccinated people are not entitled to get the digital green certificate
The digital green certificate, which "opens all the doors" to persons who have been vaccinated against coronavirus and have antibodies, is currently being improved, so it will soon contain information about whether a person has had Covid 19, the Office for IT and eGovernment has told At the same time, as we learned from the Crisis HQ, it will used not only for travel, but also to enter events and venues in Serbia.
This consolidated certificate that proves whether someone has received the coronavirus vaccine and whether they have the results of testing for the infectious disease SARS-CoV-2, has been available to the citizens of Serbia since May 12.
However, even after two weeks of its availability, citizens have questions, wondering if only people who have been vaccinated can get it.
The Office for IT and eGovernment replied in the affirmative when asked specifically whether, in addition to those who are vaccinated, persons who have only a negative test for Covid 19 can also receive the certificate. The important thing is that the test is not older than 72 hours.
"All citizens who have received both doses of the vaccine or have a PCR or antigen test result not older than 72 hours, or a serological result, can receive the Digital Green Certificate through the eGovernment portal ( We are currently working improving the certificate, so that it will soon include information about whether a person has had Covid 19," the Office for IT and eGovernment told, and reminded that the link is available at
The digital green certificate, in addition to personal data - name, last name, unique personal identification number, gender and passport number, also contains information about whether the person has been vaccinated, the number of doses received, as well as the dates of the first and second dose.
Also, this certificate can contain the results of a PCR test (SARS-CoV-2 RT real-time PCR), an antigen test (SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RTD Antigen Rapid Detection Test) and a serological test (SARS-CoV-2 RBD S-Protein Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Test).
As the eGovernment website explains, by reading the QR code on the Digital Green Certificate, green color appears for vaccination with both doses, i.e., the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and for PCR and antigen test results if these tests were performed within the previous 72 hours and if they were negative, as well as for the result of the serological test if it was done in the last six months, which refers to vaccinated persons, or two months for unvaccinated persons, and if the IgG parameter is positive.
Asked why the result of the serological test shows green color if it was done in the last six months for vaccinated persons, and two months for unvaccinated persons who have a positive IgG parameter, the Office explains that these are criteria defined by professionals, that get harmonized on a monthly basis.
"It is important to note that these criteria are harmonized on a monthly basis and that it is possible that there will be changes. For example, it is stated that a person who has not been vaccinated but has an IgG positive parameter means that they have immunity. As we do not have data on how long that immunity will last, professionals recommended that it should be two months,"the Office for IT and eGovernment explained for
Where can you go with digital green certificate
Digital green certificate holders will not only be able to travel to other countries. The intention of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus is to allow entry to concerts and other events, Professor Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic, epidemiologist and member of the HQ, tells our portal.
"As far as I know, our digital certificate is valid in Greece, Slovenia has also accepted it, and everyone should accept it. It's an excellent thing, and we advocate that it serves not only for travel, but also for entry to events in the country such as concerts...," says Professor Dr. Tiodorovic.
"Those who have not been vaccinated must do the test every three days, considering that it must not be older than 72 hours. It is better to be vaccinated, but we must leave this because there are people who cannot be vaccinated due to health reasons, although that is very rare. And those who do not want to be vaccinated, according to the Constitution, you cannot deny them human rights, but then they must have a PCR or antigen test not older than 72 hours," explains Professor Dr. Tiodorovic adds that the antibody titer is very important when it comes to these tests:
"The antibody titer must be above the minimum. There are three methods by which they are determined, one is the lower titer of 1.4, the other is 8 and the third is 12. Therefore, it must be stated exactly which method showed that the titer is good."