Be careful on Stara Mountain: Bear tracks spotted near a village, stay on hiking trails

This animal is under the strictest protection of the state

Photo illustration: Pixabay, Pesic

A bear's paw prints have been were spotted yesterday on Stara Mountain (Stara Planina). Marko Pesic, who is originally from Dojkinci, saw them at the entrance to the village of Arbinje.

He took photos of the fresh tracks left by the bear in the snow, and as he told Pirotske Vesti, although he is originally from Dojkinci and knows the mountain quite well, he has never before come across bear prints, especially not near a village.

In previous years, there have also been bears tracks, while four years ago, one brown bear was filmed in the Stara Mountain Nature Park at a feeding ground for brown bear game. Two years before that, the cameras in the Nature Park also captured a bear that had crossed to our side of the mountain along with her cub. They came from Bulgaria.

Photo : Pesic

The Mountaineering House in Dojkinci, the Tourist Organization, and the Srbijasume public enterprise are appealing on all visitors to this part of the mountain to be careful and not to stay on hiking trails in order to avoid an unwanted encounter with this rare and endangered animal species, which is under the strictest protection of the state.
