Average January wage in Serbia amounts to 63,109 dinars
The median net salary in January was 48,000 dinars (408 euros)
Foto: Shutterstock
The average net salary in Serbia for January 2021 amounted to 63,109 dinars (536 euros) and is nominally 5.3 percent higher than in the same month last year, while in real terms that rise was 4.2 percent, Serbia's Statistical Office has announced.
The average gross salary in January amounted to 87,058 dinars, which is nominally 5.1 percent more year on year, 4.0 percent in real terms.
Compared to December 2020, the average net salary in January was lower by 4.5 percent in nominal terms, or 4.9 percent in real terms, while gross earnings were nominally lower by 4.2 percent and 4.6 percent in real terms.
The median net salary in January amounted to 48,000 dinars, which means that 50 percent of workers earned up to that amount.
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(Telegraf Biznis)