Vucic: It is easy to say "close everything"; 75% infected with British strain, which is more deadly

"That strain of the virus is more infectious, the transmission goes faster, it is more deadly," says Vucic

Photo: Tanjug/Rade Prelic

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said today that most people infected with coronavirus have the British strain.

"As for the pandemic, of course we have the fear, it has become common for many people, people no longer even follow the news. It is obvious that we are facing and what we are examining is that 75% of those infected have contracted another strain, the British strain of the virus. That strain of the virus is more infectious, the transmission goes faster, it is more deadly," says the president of Serbia.

"We still have fewer deaths than our neighbors. Not to mention convincingly the most testing. Obviously we have a problem and that's why I understand doctors and epidemiologists. On the other hand, we have to work, build roads, so that we can have growth. Because, tomorrow, when we have revaccinated 2.5 million people, then you will say 'give us money, allow us to live' and people must understand that. It’s easy to say 'close everything'. And that is why I am grateful to the doctors who understand that," Vucic added.

Another 100,000 Sputnik V vaccines are arriving in Serbia today.

"We must see to protecting everyone. People who are vaccinated, 90 percent of them will not be infected when two or three weeks have passed since the revaccination. Most people want to be vaccinated, but we have not entered the villages. I don't understand those speaking against the vaccine, I personally cannot understand that level of irresponsibility. Today, 100,000 Sputnik V vaccines are arriving, the Chinese should be here between the 5th and 10th, and that is one million doses. I am asking Her Excellency (Chinese ambassador) for it to be around April 1," says Vucic.

"I will be vaccinated in a village to prove to people that it's okay," he added.

"Do you know how many friends I have who said that they would never get vaccinated, and then when they become infected, they ask me to find them a place in the hospital. I can't find a place for anyone, it's known whether there are beds or not. How can I answer responsible people, the hospitality industry, we are the least locked down and that is why we suffer criticism from another part of the public."

The new meeting of the Crisis HQ is scheduled for Wednesday and starts at 8 o'clock.

On Monday, the measures that were valid last week and during the weekend were extended, and they concerns keeping hospitality establishments and shopping centers closed.
