Former RS President Biljana Plavsic hospitalized because of coronavirus: She is in stable condition

The former President of the Serb Republic (RS) is hospitalized at the KBC Dragisa Misovic

Photo: Profimedia

Biljana Plavsic, former president of the Serb Republic (Republika Srpska, RS), has been hospitalized at the Clinical and Hospital Center (KBC) Dragisa Misovic in Belgrade because she contracted coronavirus.

As we have learned, Plavsic is in stable condition and has been hospitalized as a precaution, due to her age.

As Telegraf has been told unofficially by the KBC Dragisa Misovic, the former president of the Serb Republic is receiving oxygen support and is on a flow of six liters per minute. Her condition is not life-threatening.

Video: The Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child in the time of coronavirus

