200-kg Nis man has Covid: Not even firefighters could take him to hospital, his condition worsens
The ambulance service in the town of Nis asked for help from firefighters to transport the man, who has Covid, to the hospital
A team from the Institute for Emergency Medical Assistance in Nis on Monday requested help from firefighters in order to transfer a patient weighing more than 200 kilograms (about 440 lbs) to the hospital, considering that he is infected with coronavirus.
However, as we found out, the transport of the man who has fallen ill was abandoned at the last minute, after it was assessed that moving him would be risky, so it was decided that a medical team would visit him every day in order to administer adequate therapy.
The ambulance crew arrived at the patient's address after relatives called them, considering that his condition, a consequence of coronavirus infection, had worsened.
"It was established that the man was too large for the medical team to take him to the ambulance, and it was also suspected that the vehicle was not big enough, either.
After consultations with the management, it was decided to call firefighters for help. They also put on hazmat suits and showed up in front of the patient's house, but it was established that not even their vehicle 'matched' the size of the patient.
Considering that it was assessed that the patient's condition was stable enough not to require emergency hospitalization, it was decided to wait until the best possible way to transport him has been found," say our sources familiar with this case.
As we have learned, considering that the medical stretcher was completely inadequate because it could not even bear the weight of the patient, the firefighters brought a tent wing, intending to use it to take him out of the house.
Our source said that they were relieved when the doctors said they were giving up on the plan.
"The guys were really relieved, but they are afraid of what will happen if this person still has to go to the hospital. Such an undertaking is very problematic for him as well, because there is the risk he might fall and get injured, but also for the people transporting him," our source explains.
This is not the first time that firefighters have been engaged in taking care of obese Nis residents. As we've learned, there is another person in this city who on several occasions had to be transported to the doctor by members of the fire brigade.