Average salary reaches equivalent of 562 euros: "Great news for Serbia"
The median net salary for December 2020 amounted to 48,676 dinars (414 euros)
The average gross salary calculated for December 2020 amounted to 90,849 dinars, while the average salary minus taxes and contributions amounted to 66,092 dinars.
The growth of gross wages in the period January-December 2020, compared to the same period last year was 9.5 percent in nominal terms, and 7.8 percent in real terms. At the same time, net wages rose 9.4 percent in nominal terms and 7.7 percent in real terms.
Compared to the same month last year, the average gross salary for December 2020 is nominally higher by 10.4 percent, in real terms by 9.0 percent, while the average net salary is nominally higher by 10.6 percent, 9.2 percent in real terms.
The median net salary for December 2020 was 48,676 dinars, which means that 50 percent of workers earned up to that amount.
"The average December salary in Serbia reached 562 euros," Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali told Tanjug, stressing that this is great news and confirmation of the responsible economic policy of the Government.
"This growth was recorded despite the coronavirus pandemic and the biggest and most severe economic crisis in the world and is a confirmation of our responsible economic policy, which we pursue not only in order to invest in building highways and infrastructure but also in raising the living standards of our citizens," Mali told Tanjug.
He added that this is a confirmation that the decisions made in the previous few years had been justified.
He also said that salaries in the public sector are growing each year, as well as the minimum wage, which, the minister recalled, amounted to around 15,000 dinars in 2012, and has now exceeded 32,000 dinars, twice as much.
He added that citizens are to be credited with this level of average wages and that he congratulates them on that success.
(Telegraf Biznis)