Serbian American Voters Alliance formed in the United States
SAVA PAC is the first organization of its kind in the history of the Serbian diaspora
The Serbian-American Voters Alliance (Political Action Committee) - SAVA PAC, is a newly formed organization in the United States, the group announced today.
The organization originated from the "Serbs for Trump" initiative, and as they say, regardless of the outcome of the recent election, they are proud of the way the campaign was conducted and say it is a "pioneering step" in organizing the Serbian diaspora in the United States to get involved in the US political process as a community.
"Noting the great need of Americans of Serbian descent for quality representation in Washington, SAVA is conceived as a transparent, non-partisan political action committee (PAC) that will support individual candidates in future elections at all levels and work to advocate certain legislative activities or public policies of interest to the Serbian-American community," a statement said.
SAVA PAC, it is added, is the first organization of that type in the history of the Serbian diaspora, while the president of the organization is its founder, Professor Olga Ravasi.