Man relentlessly kicks and strikes boy (12) near Apatin annoyed by child playing with toy gun

A criminal complaint for violent behavior will be filed against the attacker

Photo: Shutterstock

12-year-old R.D. from Prigrevica near Apatin was beaten by a younger man on Friday afternoon in Apatinski Put Street in Prigrevica, when he received light bodily injuries. The attacker was subsequently identified and a criminal complaint for violent behavior will be filed against him.

The violence was preceded by a harmless game between several boys in the street, who were shooting at each other with pellets fired from plastic toy pistols, writes.

"Probably one of the plastic pellets they fired hit a car that was passing by this group of children at that moment. There were two young men in the car. The passenger jumped out and started relentlessly hitting and kicking the child he grabbed, while the others run away terrified.

After some time, a woman came out of a neighboring house and managed to save the boy from getting beaten even more by shouting and arguing with the attacker," said a source close to the investigation.

The car drove away from the scene in an unknown direction, and the boy's father and the police were immediately informed about the incident. The boy was transported to the hospital, where he was checked up and treated in order to determine the degree of his injuries.

The police very quickly managed to identify the attacker and the person who was with him. These are young men with residence in the area of ​​Mt. Zlatibor.

A criminal complaint for violent behavior will be filed against the attacker.

The boy, by sheer luck, escaped only with minor physical injuries, but he experienced great stress.

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