Video of Velja Nevolja's arrest: This is how alleged criminal camouflaged with a fan scarf fell

Belivuk has been the leader of a Partizan FC supporter group in recent years

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Veljko Belivuk, aka Velja Nevolja, and Marko Miljkovic were arrested this morning at around 5 am on the order of the Prosecution.

According to the dialy Blic, Belivuk and his right hand man Miljkovic were arrested while on their way to torch cars they had used to commit crimes.

Belivuk is the former leader of a supporters group called "Janjicari" which served as cover for numerous crimes, and now he has been arrested as the leader of a group called "Principi" - the leading one in the hierarchy of all Partizan fans' stands, better known collectively as "Grobari." He is one of the main people in the Belgrade underground who worked closely with the Montenegrin Kavac Clan criminal group, writes Blic.

According to unverified claims made in some Belgrade media, Veljko Belivuk was arrested for allegedly planning the killling of members of the Pink Panther group.

The media write that Belivuk is considered as one of the most dangerous people in our underground, who has been convicted several times for violent behavior, and he was the closest associate of Aleksandar Stankovic aka Sale Mutavi, who was murdered in October 2016 near the District Prison after finishing a gym training session, accompanied by Belivuk.

Miljkovic and Belivuk: They have already been in the dock together

Miljkovic and Belivuk were accused of killing karate fighter Vlastimir Milosevic, who was also Miljkovic's best man.

The karate fighter was shot on the tram tracks on January 30, 2017, in an ambush organized near the apartment where he lived in Belgrade. The attacker fired ten shots from a Scorpion gun at Milosevic, who was trying to escape.

The body of the victim remained lying on the tracks, while the attacker caught up with him and fired six more bullets into his head.

In 2018, Miljkovic and Belivuk were acquitted of participating in this murder.

Searches are still ongoing

Video: Police search the premises of Grobari in the South stand: Rifles at Partizans stadium

Searches were conducted in Belgrade and several other cities in Serbia during the night and were still ongoing this morning, TV Pink writes.

As organized Crime Prosecutor Mladen Nenadic announced, 16 people were arrest on suspicion of associating in order to commit crimes, kidnappings and aggravated murders.

Nenadic said that the arrests were made after several months of joint work of the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime, several organizational units of the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) and the BIA.

He stressed that the operation was carried out yesterday and during the night in order to preserve the security of Serbia and that it has to do with shedding light on some of the most serious crimes.

Searches and investigations were underway in 30 locations, while a decision to detain them has been made against 16 people, who will be brought before the Prosecutor for Organized Crime.

Nenadic pointed out that they are suspected of, among other things, associating in order to commit criminal acts of kidnapping and aggravated murder.

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