Jankovic reveals whether Covid measures will be relaxed during tomorrow's Crisis HQ meeting

There is still the potential for the epidemic to flare up

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

Immunologist and member of the Crisis HQ Srdja Jankovic says that each session of the Crisis HQ serves to analyze the epidemic situation, and only then are proposals for measures given.

Therefore, he points out that he would correct the atmosphere according to which some measures must be taken at each meeting.

Before tomorrow's session of the coronavirus epidemic Crisis HQ, Srdja Jankovic told RTS that the goal is to analyze the situation, and only then will it be seen whether something needs to be changed.

He added that epidemiologists and he, as an immunologist, will not advocate in favor of easing the measures, because there is still the potential for the epidemic to flare up, the number of infected people is still high, hospitals have still not emptied and the number of deaths is still significant.

Srdja Jankovic says that it is necessary to see the situation through to the end.

According to him, there is always speculation before a session of the Crisis HQ whether some measure will be changed, but it is difficult to talk about that before analyzing the situation.

"We have measures that are in force, it's important that we respect them, if there is a change, the public will be informed," said Jankovic.

He said that he is aware that some measures are hard on the economy, but that human lives are the most important, while the economic effect of illness and death must also not be neglected.

"Our goal as doctors is to take care of health, which is not to say that there is no other legitimate way of thinking," said Jankovic.

As efficient as possible immunization needed

Speaking about the immunization process, Jankovic stressed that it needs to be as efficient as possible.

He said that the only probable difference found so far in the new subtype of the virus compared to the old ones is that it spreads faster from person to person.

He added that there is no evidence of a more severe clinical picture, but that this automatically means a larger number of infected people in risk groups.

Jankovic said that, no matter how much they rely on vaccines, preventing contact and wearing masks are still the key, because we prevent the disease by preventing getting infected.

Which vaccine would Jankovic recommend?

As he said, all vaccines that have been approved have been checked and tests have shown that they are effective, while it is to be seen if there is a difference in nuances.

When asked which vaccine he would recommend, he said it would be the one that is available and that has passed trials.

When it comes to cardiovascular and chronic diseases, Jankovic said that these can be factors for caution, but not contraindications.

He said that people consult with doctors before vaccination, but that he thinks most of those who have these conditions should be vaccinated because the risk from Covid for such patients is much greater than the risk from the vaccine.
